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Pre-Physical Therapy Club
at the University of Utah

Board Members

Nora Carman
Major: Health and Kinesiology
​From: Nashville, TN
Interests: I love the outdoors and I just learned how to crochet!

Courtney Eyler
Membership and Finance Director
Major: Health and Kinesiology
From: Boise, ID
Fun Fact: I love to thrift and resell vintage clothing! :)

Antonia Tvrdik
Communications Director
Fun Fact:

Caleb McKinley
Program Director
Major: Health and Kinesiology
From: Orem, UT
Fun Fact: I was homeschooled throughout elementary school and love learning!
Ben Trammell
Outreach Coordinator
Major: Health & Kinesiology, Nutrition minor
Fun Fact: I've built and slept in an igloo while backpacking
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